
MayBe Art is a RELATIONSHIP WITH MOVEMENT James MacAllister jdm@geo.umass.edu Cross section of a kinetosome, the base of the  “undulipodium” “An undulipodium, sometimes referred to with the anachronistic term eukayotic flagellum  is an organelle with a ubiquitous pattern of 9(2)+2 arrangement of microtubules within a cell that is the base of sperm tails , oviduct […]


  MayBe Art is a MICROCOSMOS Elen A. Feinberg Nocturne XXXIII oil on linen 64″ x 52″ 2000 www.elenafeinberg.com “I began as a still life painter. After some time, I created a window behind the still life with a view of the landscape. Eventually, the landscape took over and the still life objects were reduced […]


MayBe Art is ENDLESSLY ENFOLDING AND UNFOLDING Zach Layton Kinetic Sonification Series Laser Ink Jet 13″ x 19″ Pattern Recognition Exhibition, Philoctetes Center, NY, NY www.zachlaytonindustries.com Image-A barnacle (Balanus improvises) from the Hudson River. Dr. David L. Strayer 
Freshwater Ecologist
 Ph.D., 1984, Cornell University Research is focused on the distribution and roles of freshwater invertebrates. […]


  MayBe Art is NATURES CYCLES Sheila Goloborotko The Day We Bomb the Moon, 2009 Oil, asphalt, gauze on canvas 48.5″ x 60.25″ www.goloborotko.com Heather M. Malcom Photographer Image of Phytoplankton (small, free-floating organisms that are able to photosynthesize) from the Hudson River. Most of the phytoplankton in this photograph are diatoms, which live in […]


MayBe Art is PATTERNS Mark Jacobson Barn Lights 2010 Photograph www.markdjacobsonphotography.com Alison Doane Curator of Astronomical Photographs at the 
Harvard College Glass Plate Observatory www.cfa.harvard.edu/hco/plates.html Harvard Glass Plate Observatory Star Tracings 1880’s http://dasch.rc.fas.harvard.edu/index.php “Ultimately I believe human understanding is a class of brain patterns—but I suspect that this description is only of minimal utility or […]


MayBe Art is a NETWORK OF RELATIONSHIPS Gwen Adler Canal house 1 16″ x 16″ digital photograph www.gwenadler.com Heather Malcom Cary Institute of Ecosystems Study Bryozoan photograph Bryozoans, (moss animals) live in the Hudson River. Almost all bryozoans are colonial, composed of anywhere from a few to millions of individuals. The most integrated colonies behave […]


MayBe Art MAPS FLYING BEES Rainer Maria Rilke in the Duino Elegies writes about “bees of the invisible” realizing what we cannot see appears when we make it. Rebecca Allan Bumblebee’s Flight Path 2012, Acrylic on Canvas 40″ x 60 ” WWW.REBECCAALLAN.COM Dr Rainer Klages from Queen Mary’s School of Mathematical Sciences explains that velocity […]


MayBe Art is a SOLAR SYSTEM John Manzi “B5” Digital Photograph www.johnmanzi.com Alison Doane Star mapping Curator of Astronomical Photographs at the Harvard Glass Plate Observatory Star Mapping 1880 www.cfa.harvard.edu/hco/plates.html http://dasch.rc.fas.harvard.edu/index.php A Solar System is made up of all the planets that orbit our Sun. A solar system is reciprocal by nature because its network […]


MayBe Art is GEOMETRY Geometry is an Ancient Greek geo -earth and metro- branch of Mathematics based on measurement for understanding the organization of shape, size, composition and properties of space in nature. As natures design models intrinsic harmonics and proportion, humans mimic these mathematical ratios in patterns creating architecture, art and music. Arezoo Moseni […]


MayBe Art is an ONTOLOGY “It has been speculated that watching the movement of stars gave humans their first hints of order in the universe.” Frank Wilczek from Longing For Harmonies. Lisa Jacobson oil on linen 12″ x 14″ Harvard Glass Plate Observatory Star Tracing 1880 Alison Doane, Curator of Astronomical Photographs at the 
Harvard […]