“The development of physics in recent decades regarding our position as observers of nature of which we are part can be received through the exploration of atoms.”  Neils Bohr.

Lisa Jacobson
oil on linen
14 ” x 17 ”

Mary Jo Nye
Horning Professor in the Humanities and Professor of History Emeritus, History of Modern Physical Sciences
Molecule Gamboge
Photograph made by viewing through an ultramicroscope 1910 by Francis Perrin and Mary Jo Nye.

The Image of Jean Perrin’s experimental techniques involving measurements of Brownian motion was guided by Einstein in 1905. This resulted in evidence that molecules, though unseen, actually exist.

Molecules are small particles that make up all living and non-living things. They are made up of even tinier particles called atoms. Atoms are distinguished from each other by their shape, their size, and the arrangement of their parts. Molecules are so small that there are more molecules in your body than there are stars in the universe. Each molecule has a unique shape that allows it to interact with other molecules. The interactions between molecules let us move, sense, reproduce and do the things that keep all living creatures alive. The smallest particles of gases are made up of a certain number of atoms united by attraction to form a single molecule.
