“Each of us is composed of matter that has a largely inanimate history before finding it’s way onto our plates or those of our parents. It was once part of the sun, but matter from another galaxy would do as well. Anything whatever, if broken down far enough and rearranged, could be incorporated into a living organism. No constituents beside matter are needed.”
Thomas Nagel, A View From Nowhere
Carole Freysz
“Becoming” series
oil on plywood
20″ x 20″
Prokaryote cells
Atomic Force Image
“The earliest cells were tiny prokaryotes, and for more than two billion years they were the only life forms on earth. These cells were anaerobic, which means that oxygen was poisonous to them. Some of these prokaryotes began to capture the sun’s energy using photosynthesis. The waste products of photosynthesis are oxygen and water. After so many millions of years of living together, the pieces of the cell could not survive alone now. The prokaryotes have become endosymbionts, life forms living within a host organism. Eukaryotes contain intricately folded membranes that separate the contents of the cell and direct the flow of materials within it. The eukaryotes needed to develop a way to divide up the chromosomes when the cell divided. This led to a complex, beautiful, dance-like process that duplicated and divided the chromosomes, providing each cell with a full compliment of DNA. This process is called mitosis.” Lynn Margulis