Zach Layton
Kinetic Sonification Series
Laser Ink Jet
13″ x 19″
Pattern Recognition Exhibition, Philoctetes Center, NY, NY
Image-A barnacle (Balanus improvises) from the Hudson River.
Dr. David L. Strayer 
Freshwater Ecologist
 Ph.D., 1984, Cornell University
Research is focused on the distribution and roles of freshwater invertebrates.
Photograph Heather Malcom, Cary Institute of Ecosystems Study
David Bohm, a Quantum physicist believed that elementary particles are actually systems of complicated internal structures, acting as information contained in a quantum (way of measuring indivisible energy). He saw this as model of the universe calling it the “Implicate Order.”
The theory of the Implicate Order contains an ultraholistic cosmic view; it connects everything with everything else from the smallest to the largest in the universe. The central underlying theme of Bohm’s theory is the unbroken wholeness of the totality of existence as an undivided flowing movement without borders or a multidimensional holomovement endlessly enfolding and unfolding into infinite dimensionality. Within the Implicate Order, there are perpetually changing forms that make up our manifest world. This order is primarily concerned not with the outward side of development, and evolution in a sequence of successions, but with a deeper and more inward order out of which the manifest form of things can emerge creatively.